Sexy After Breast Cancer

“The secret of change is to focus all of your energy not on fighting the old, but on building the new.”

/  Socrates  /

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 “The question is not how to survive, but how to thrive.”

/  Maya Angelou  /

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Everything you are going through right now is preparing you for the most wonderful blessings that are yet to come. Trust and rest assured that your current situation is not your final destination.

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 “All outcomes good and bad come from the small decisions we make everyday. From our doubts, fears, second guesses, and the unknown. The truth is that we all fail at times, maybe many times. But no single failure can define us. So, learn, grow wiser and keep pressing on.”

/  Michael nulty  /

Sexy After Breast Cancer

 “We need to take a moment every day to be mindful & grateful for all the good in our lives. When we focus on the good, the grace, the love, the joy, the pureness, we create more of that in our lives.”

/  lewis howes  /

Sexy After Breast Cancer

"Remind yourself of what you've been able to overcome. All the times you felt like you weren't going to make it through, you proved yourself wrong. You're more powerful than you think."

/  connor beaton  /